Web Design – a new start

A new startWeb-design and development have been my main focus since I first learned about HTML 7 years ago, but only recently have my skill grown drastically from websites made by WYSIWYG editors (like Adobe Dreamwaver) to a simple text editor like Notepad++.

I’ve adopted CSS almost three years ago and it was a complete game changer. Things that seemed impossible became very easy and now, I don’t structure my websites with tables or simple images.

Programming has been one of my passions from my early coding days, having basic knowledge about PHP and MySQL certainly helps, but I want to learn more and I will share with you as my capabilities grow.

This website was created with the idea of “sharing” in mind and I will share with you tips and tricks on how to improve your designs and come. Also, I will post tutorials on web and print design, showing you new ways to be creative.

I’m a simple person and to quote Albert Einstein “Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.” – I revolve around simplicity and subtlety, because these are the main features that create a more interesting and beautiful design, preserving a touch of mystery.